Sunday, April 3, 2011

VTS Van Gogh National Gallery Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: VTS Van Gogh National Gallery Lesson Plan

Brief Introduction/History: Go back in time and take a virtual tour of Van Gogh's Van Goghs. This exhibition was on view at the Gallery October 4, 1998 - January 3, 1999.


9.2.12 A, C, D

Goal: Students will learn about Van Gogh paintings through a National Gallery virtual tour and discuss the artworks in an open class forum.

Objectives: Students will:
- Students will utilize analytical skills
- Students will investigate works of art and use critical thinking
- Students will extend their computer/technology proficiency
- Students will learn about QR Codes
- Students will learn about Vincent Van Gogh paintings through the virtual gallery tour

Resource Materials/Visual Aids:
National Gallery virtual tour

· Computers

Teacher Preparation: Teacher will:
· Ensure that class has access to computer lab prior to class time.

Introduction to Lesson: Teacher will explain the VTS process and discuss how QR Codes are used to transmit information. Teacher will explain the goal of the lesson, which is to have a meaningful discussion about what they saw in the National Gallery virtual tour.

1. Explain how a QR Code can be decoded.

2. Guide students to QR Code that takes them to National Gallery tour.

3. Allow students to explore National Gallery tour.

4. Lead group discussion about Van Gogh National Gallery tour; use Visual Thinking Strategy in discussion:

A. Teachers are asked to use three open-ended questions:
1. What's going on in this picture?
2. What do you see that makes you say that?
3. What more can we find?
B. 3 Facilitation Techniques:
1. Paraphrase comments neutrally.
2. Point at the area being discussed.
3. Link contrasting and complementary comments.
C. Students are asked to:
1. Look carefully at works of art.
2. Talk about what they observe.
3. Back up their ideas with evidence.
4. Listen to and consider the views of others.
5. Discuss many possible interpretations.

Critique/Evaluation/Assessment: Rubric. Students will be graded on: individual contribution to group discussion.

Time Budget:
10 min – Introduction
20 min – Individual Computer Virtual Tour
20 min – Group Discussion

QR Code
National Gallery
Vincent Van Gogh

Safety Concerns: Internet safety

VTS explained:
QR Code generator/decoder:

1 comment:

  1. This is a very well thought out lesson plan. I found the whole lesson interesting. The parts I liked were:

    - Lead group discussion about Van Gogh National Gallery tour; use Visual Thinking Strategy in discussion/ I think this is a very productive way for students to engage in a constructive discussion and sharpen their public speaking skills.

    - I also agree that discussing many possible interpretations is vital when it comes to deciphering an image and opens up the possibilities of meaning.
