Monday, March 7, 2011

VTS Web Critique

Title: The Last Drop
(The Gay Cavalier)

Artist: Judith Leyster, Dutch (active Haarlem and Amsterdam), 1609 - 1660

c. 1639

Oil on canvas

35 1/16 x 28 15/16 inches

(89.1 x 73.5 cm)

Philadelphia Museum of Art

Possibly a companion to 'The Merry Trio,' in the collection of P. L. Galjart, Netherlands

What's going on in this picture?
What do you see that makes you say that?
What more can you find?

Visual Thinking Strategies
View PMA page for more information


  1. Dina Lufti's VTS critique:

    Title: The Last Drop (The Gay Cavalier)
    Artist: Judith Leyster, Dutch

    • What's going on in this picture?

    I see two men and a skeleton. One man is standing up dressed in red the other is sitting down and engaged in the act of drinking something. Each one of them is holding something in their hand: the man in red is holding a large utensil that is used to cook or stir some form of liquid. In the other hand he is holding some kind of container or canister. The man sitting down is holding the bottle he is drinking from. The skeleton is holding a skull in its hand and an hour glass it its raised hand. It appears to be some kind of binge or event where they are overindulging and not focusing on the problems of the world. They seem to be in a daze almost carefree.

    • What do you see that makes you say that?

    The reason I say this is because of their facial expressions. They seem to be under some sort of influence almost mesmerized and happy at the same time. There is also a look of satisfaction on their faces as though they are very engaged in what they're doing and nothing else matters. Also, their body language isn't sturdy or coarse, it is more loose and fluid as though they are in a state of relaxation and don't want to be taken out of it. The man wearing red seems to be enjoying his time. He doesn't seem focused and he is holding the container upside down. The man sitting down seems to be at ease while drinking. He is almost sinking into his chair and not sitting up straight. Another reason I say that they are carefree is because there is a skeleton with them in the room and I am guessing they are aware of its presence but they are nonchalant about it being there and want to continue what they are doing. It is as thought they are so caught up in what they are doing that even the existence of death at that moment isn't a significant matter.

    • What more can you find?

    The way both men have their heads raised upwards suggests this feeling of being captured or taken away by ecstasy. The skeleton is looking at them in awe as if it is wondering why it's being ignored. Then again, it could be there as a reminder. Although this painting is referencing a specific moment or event, it still relates to our everyday life. It introduces this happy notion of being carefree in life but also has serious connotations because it references the end of life. So, it is two messages in one painting.

  2. In this picture it looks like 2 men are drinking together to have the time of their lives. In the background it looks as if death has come to take them away after their last days of happiness.

    I say this because the one man in shadow is near death (literally and figuratively,) and his colors are contrasted by the man in the brighter outfit, who appears to be having a great time. Great painting!
